Isaiah 41:10 - "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my right hand."

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Second Thursday of Lent by Hunt Fitzgerald 2/25/21

Scripture Reading: Psalm 46

"Be still, and know that I am God!"
-Psalm 46:10a NLT

Eight to ten years ago, social media was in its infancy. I was and continue to be a frequent user of Facebook and occasional user of twitter. During this time and still today, political strife is ever-present on social media. Years ago, I never hesitated to jump into a political argument online. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning arguing with friends and strangers. I would have a hard time sleeping because I would be so angry or anxious to see what my nemesis was going to post next. I would awake in the middle of the night and grab my phone to see how the argument had transpired over the last few hours. I was insulted often, called all sorts of names, and even lost some friends over political arguments. This was not who I was.

In the same breath, I was and always will be an avid (albeit rabid) Carolina basketball fan. Just like I lost sleep over political anger, I would lose sleep when Carolina lost. I would jump up and down, scream, holler, and cuss at each play in each game. The anxiety generated by anger kept me awake well past my bedtime.

I eventually came to the realization that this behavior was not emotionally healthy for me or anyone around me. I swore off engaging in political discussions for my sanity. Whenever I saw a post that I disagreed with I would usually type a response, but then I would stop short of posting and send up a brief prayer to God for peace. It always worked. I would never send the dissenting comment. I’m sure in my moment of stillness in prayer, God was telling me, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

God quelled my internal wars and has shielded me from current and future wars. I no longer engage in political or controversial discussion online, and as a side effect I no longer get upset at the outcomes of Carolina Basketball games.

Thought for the day: When faced with adversity or controversy, find refuge and strength in God by the direction of Psalm 46, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

--Hunt Fitzgerald

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